Guide a pixelated Tyrannosaurus rex across a side-scrolling swamp, avoiding  obstacles to achieve a higher score. If that sounds or looks familiar, it is! It's the classic chrome offline game with a colorful and vibrant twist!

For those unfamiliar, the dinosaur moves across a colorful and calm-sounding swamp, attempting to avoid oncoming obstacles such as Night Gales, Stalker Pups or Brutes by jumping or ducking. Pressing SPACE, UP_ARROW or tapping the game window on mobile devices will cause the dinosaur to "jump", while pressing the DOWN_ARROW key will cause the dinosaur to "duck". Speed of play alternates as the game progresses until the player hits and obstacle, prompting a game over screen with some interesting and sometimes humorous notes. 

Once the player reaches around 700 points, the game background switches from the bright green swamp to a dim grey with night crickets chirping to match, representing a shift from day to night. This color scheme alternates as the game progresses. I love your time as a player, as such, the game is designed to reach its maximum score after approximately 200 minutes of playtime (I'm far too excited to see who beats it first!).

This description was inspired by the wikipedia page on the original.

Also, this game was written in the C++ programming language and compiled for web via emscripten. Excuse any web development mishaps, "web" is not my forte! For those interested, the original desktop build is right here

PS: Refresh the page if key inputs aren't responsive immediately.

PS PS: If you enjoy playing the game, let me know! If you have feedback to share, let me know! If you'd like to donate, you're welcome! Thanks for playing.

Development log


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the game over font it's not that r readable the back ground sun or moon move faster than the caractère where in reality it shouldn't move that much,,try studying from the Google's one to get it batter but in general it's a good effort 

Wow, thanks for the feedback Salim222. The goal here wasn't to make an exact remake of Google's game but to take it's base functionality and build on top of it. That is, letting my whims, control the game direction, not it's already existing influence.

Regardless, I really appreciate your comment. Glad you enjoyed playing! And apologies for the gameover font!